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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Greer to Charleston

Hi Everyone!

Jon was asked to work on a job in Charleston, SC that started in April and we are so thankful that Nora and I were able to pick up and move with him.  We are only here for a few months and we are trying to make the most of this opportunity.  We have both been to Charleston numerous times and I have always loved downtown and the historical aspects of it.  As soon as Jon got the offer to move down here for a little while he knew exactly what my answer would be :)  He also knew that as long as our living situation included a Target and Chick Fil A within 10 miles I would be fine! :) So, after Nora's first birthday in April we started packing up and getting things ready to move.  It has been some what of an adjustment for me since I have never lived outside of Greer.  I miss my family and friends but I'm enjoying learning how to be more independent.  We found a great apartment in a wonderful neighborhood with parks and LOTS of sidewalks.  We try to go for walks most evenings when Jon gets home from work.  We found our way around pretty quickly and luckily for me there is a Target and Chick Fil A right down the road :)  Another great thing about Charleston is our church (NewSpring) has a campus down here that is about 15 min from our place and we are looking forward to visiting their campus!  Everything has gone smoothly so far and we are trying to stay busy on the weekends seeing and doing all that Charleston has to offer.  Jon is enjoying his job and Nora and I have joined a Gymboree class that we go to once a week and really enjoy.  We wanted to start this blog so we could document our time here and share pictures and stories with our families and friends that we don't get to see on a regular basis anymore.  We hope you all enjoy reading about our experiences and adventures in Charleston, SC!

our apartment building


  1. Hi Katy,
    I love your Temp. new place!! This blog is great!!
    I'm sure Reyn, your mom and dad are enjoying reading your blog and seeing the pictures!
    Have fun in Charleston!!

  2. Thanks Tree! We are having a great time. We will be here til Oct or Nov so if you guys are ever down this way we would love to see y'all!! Hope you guys are well!
